
Vilsack won’t challenge eminent domain law: Mason City (IA) Globe Gazette, 7/28/06

By Dan Gearino

[Iowa] Gov. Tom Vilsack said Friday that he will not go to court to challenge a new law that limits local governments’ power to seize private property.

Vilsack vetoed the property-rights measure early last month, but the Legislature passed on override of the veto two weeks ago in a special session. At the time of the override, backers of the bill said a legal challenge was likely, either from the governor or from a city or county government.

Vilsack said he won’t make a challenge because he won’t be in office long enough to see a case through to its conclusion. He isn’t seeking re-election and his term ends next January.

“It is unlikely that the case would decided in the time I left as governor, so it really doesn’t make much sense for me to pursue it,” he said, speaking to reporters following the taping of the Iowa Public Television program “Iowa Press.”

He said he doesn’t know if a city or county government will go to court.

The new law bans local governments from seizing private property for private economic development, with few exceptions.

Globe Gazette: http://www.globegazette.com

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